Dog Pregnancy Calendar
If you are looking for a dog pregnancy calendar or dog pregnancy calculator, congratulations to you and your dog!
You may be here because you know your dog is pregnant but are not sure when they’re due or how dog pregnancy works. Don’t stress, this page will take you through the dog pregnancy calendar and dog pregnancy calculator to help you estimate your dog’s pregnancy date and give you all the information you need to ensure your dog has a safe and smooth pregnancy.
Dog Pregnancy Calendar Week By Week
Week 1
Week 1 – Mating & Fertilisation
After mating with a male dog, multiple eggs become fertilized high up within the uterus. The eggs gradually migrate down to the uterine horns.
In this phase, your dog will experience a series of hormonal changes, however since this is the earliest phase, you won’t notice any physical changes. Also, you dog should not show any unusual behaviour unless something is going wrong.
During this phase, you should interact, play and feed your dog as you normally do.
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Week 2
Week 2 – Maintenance
In this phase, grooming can go on as usual. Her embryos should be well protected in the uterus and tender grooming should not trigger any problems.
This week’s goal should be to maintain your dog’s weight. Weight gain in early stages of pregnancy is not advised for good health. Your dog should not gain more than 10% of their usual body weight until week 6. Your dog’s energy levels should be the same as the embryos don’t grow greatly yet. Generally, changes in their diet and supplements are not needed yet, unless specified by your vet.
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Week 3
Week 3 – Nidation
During this stage, the puppies are protected in membrane that provides them with nutrients. There still won’t be much noticeable changes in physical appearance and you won’t need to change your dog’s daily routine. Although, your dog may start to develop a larger appetite so you may want to feed her a little more.
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Week 4
Week 4 – Confirm Pregnancy
At this stage, week 4 or day 25, it is recommended that you should visit your local vet. Get an ultrasound to see the size of the litter, their health status and for a reliable birthing date. You can also see if there are any abnormalities or problems that need to be addressed.
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Week 5
Week 5 – Foetal Stage
In this stage, the puppies have ended embryogenesis and the organs are beginning to form. The embryo is now refereed to as the foetus. During this foetal stage, your dog will start to put on a lot of weight.
To address the weight gain, its recommended you feed her more, and consult with your vet on the exact amount to give.
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Week 6
Week 6 – Turning Point
During this stage, the puppies will develop more distinct organs and tissues, even claws. To ensure there is enough nutrients in your dog and her puppies, you’ll need to alter their diet with higher energy, protein and minerals. However, you may see a drop in appetite but this is due to discomfort from the pregnancy.
Getting your dog to eat the right foods is important and giving her multiple smaller meals during the day, over 2 larger meals, will help a lot.
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Week 7
Week 7 – Hair Growth
At day 45 or week 7, the foetus’ will start growing hair and their skeleton will start to solidify. Parasites can be a concern and affect the birthing. It is important to visit your local vet to get your dog wormed.
You can also now prepare for whelping by setting up a safe place for her to whelp. It should be a quiet and warm space with no clutter. This is also where the mother and her pups will live for the next few weeks.
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Week 8
Week 8 – X-ray
At this stage, the skeletons of the puppies would have solidified and the mother’s teats will start swelling with milk. To make the birthing process easier and make sure she is comfortable, it is recommended that you trim the hair around her nipples and vulva.
It is also advised that you go to your local vet to get an x-ray to know how many puppies are expected.
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Week 9
Week 9 – Delivery Time
The puppies may arrive any day of this week. Be sure to triple check the birthing area to ensure it is ready, safe, comfortable and warm.
In days prior to labor and during birthing, do your best to keep the mother comfortable and stress-free. As mentioned before, her natural instincts will kick in and she’ll be prepared for the birthing. The labor period may vary, it could last a couple of minutes or even several hours.
After the first pup is delivered, the mother will probably rip open the fetal sack herself. If she doesn’t, you can do it yourself. Although, don’t try pulling the pups off during the delivery period because this can hurt the mother and the puppies too.
After delivery, the mother may or may not eat the placenta. If she doesn’t, you can throw it away like other organic waste. To help during the recovery period, softly rub the pups dry with a clean towel and place them near the mother’s nipples.
Available Until: [avilablity]
General Questions About Dog Pregnancy or Dog’s Gestation Period
How long are dogs pregnant?
Dog pregnancy lasts between 58-68 days, roughly 8-10 weeks. This is the range of time from conception to birthing. Most dogs generally are pregnant for 63 days since conception or 9 weeks.
However, conception is often difficult to determine as sperm can live inside female dogs for many days and their eggs can stay fertile for up to 48 hours. This means that the act of mating is not a precise way to measure gestation. This makes estimating the dog’s length of pregnancy quite challenging, it is recommended you visit your local vet as soon as you notice any signs of pregnancy.
How can you tell if a dog is pregnant?
There are several common signs to tell if a dog is pregnant:
- Decreased appetite
- Constant vomiting
- Sudden drop in activity
- Growth in breast size
- Unusual behaviour changes
- Weight gain
Should you get a dog pregnancy ultrasound?
If you’re unaware or can’t determine when your dog mated, but are sure they are pregnant, then an ultrasound is advised so you can properly prepare for the birth. A dog pregnancy can also give you an indication of how many puppies to expect. A dog pregnancy ultrasound can be quite expensive but for peace of mind it can be worth the cost.
If you have any doubts on your dog’s pregnancy it is best you visit your local vet. They can help guide you throughout the pregnancy process and ease and stress you may be experiencing.
How long are dogs in labor?
In most cases, dog births are fairly straightforward without complications. It is advised that you interfere as little as possible but you should still be there to support your dog and help out if any issue occurs. Generally, dog labor lasts between 3-12 hours, and there are 3 main stages in the labor process.
Signs a dog is going into labor soon?
There are many common signs to tell if a dog is going into labor soon:
- Restlessness
- Nesting (making a ‘nest’ for her litter)
- Refusing to eat
- Vomiting
- Panting
- Reclusive behaviour
- Vaginal discharge
How to help a dog give birth for the first time?
You’d be surprised but dogs don’t usually need much help when giving birth, even if it is for the first time. Their instincts will take over as they whelp and they can, in most cases, perform the birthing without assistance. It is best you don’t interfere and keep a bit of distance while quietly observing to make sure no complications arise.