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Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming

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Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming Espanola ON is Your Trusted Pet Groomers

Professional pet grooming of your pet dog or feline will enhance the physical look and psychological health of your family pet and let us present you with Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming in Espanola ON where your local pet groomers will help achieve that at an affordable price.

The quality pet groomers at Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming in Espanola ON has many years of experience, using gentle animal handling techniques to make the whole process comforting and easy going.

Whether your canine simply requires a fast bath or a total fur baby grooming plan that takes pampering your pooch to a new level, you will be blown away with the customized offerings and competitive family pet grooming rates at Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming in Espanola ON.

Bath and Dry

Warm bath and gentle massage with shampoos and conditioners designed specifically for dogs, hand blow dry, finishing cologne.

Bath and Dry treatment solution is where your canine’s coat is completely brushed and conditioned during the drying process. Normally, the Bath and Dry treatment involves hydro-wash hair shampoo and conditioner, flea rinse, ear cleaning, towel pat, and blow dry.

Please consult with your local pet groomer at Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming to make sure what is included in this bundle. Please note, if your dog has knots and badly matted coats, they may require special attention. Prior to beginning a service we will talk about how to best handle the cleaning and grooming of your family pet.

Full Pet Grooming

Warm bath and delicate massage using dog friendly hair shampoo and conditioner, hand blow dry, all over full body clip and hand scissoring, nail trim, ear tidy and trim/ shave, finishing perfume and more.

Full Pet Grooming Appointment is a must and can be or over the phone by contacting +1 705-869-5200. Please call Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming for more details on drop off and pick up times at 121 Barber St, Espanola, ON.

Add on Pet Grooming Services

Talk with the pet groomers at Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming in Espanola ON about these extra family pet grooming procedures for your fur baby and costsfor these fur baby grooming treatments, which might be available:

  • Nail Trim & File
  • Ear Clean
  • Ear Pluck & Clean
  • Anal Glands Expression
  • Sanitary
  • Paw Shave
  • Deep Conditioning Treatment
  • Facial
  • Teeth Brushing
  • Feet Trim

Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming in Espanola ON - Local Pet Groomers Espanola ON

This is a general listing for Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming and this website is not part of Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming. For all products and services provided by Cutie-Paws Dog Grooming, please contact them directly. This website is not liable for any correspondence or dealings with the listed business on this page. Copyrights and/or trademarks of any character and/or image used on this page belong to their respective owners. To learn more click here.

Things you Need to Know Before Booking The Pet Grooming Service at Your Dog Groomers in Espanola ON

fur baby grooming takes anywhere between 2-4 hours depending on the size of your pet and how long back your family pet had the last fur baby grooming treatment. It is not smart to hurry the pet grooming procedure as it bad for your pet’s well being.

If you must cancel or reschedule your family pet grooming treatment, please give at least 24 hours notice to prevent paying late cancellation fee.

All breed grooming fees will be validated by the fur baby groomer at drop off.

Usually, a dematting charge will be applied to matted coats on your fur baby. Extra cost might be applied for pet dogs with tough temperament.

General Canine Tips for Pet Dog Owners in Espanola ON

Tips on Grooming Your Pet for Pet Owners in Espanola ON

Periodic grooming with a brush or comb will really help keep your fur baby’s hair in good shape by getting rid of dirt, spreading natural oils across her coat, avoiding tangles and keeping her skin irritant-free and clean.

Plus, brushing time is a fun time to look for fleas and flea dirt– those little black specks that show your family pet is playing host to a flea family.

Find out more about, brushing you dogs or check out listed below.

The way you brush your fur baby and how regularly will mostly depend on his/her coat type.

Smooth, Short Coats: If your pet dog has a smooth, brief coat (like that of a Chihuahua, Boxer or Basset Hound), you just require to brush as soon as a week. Utilize a rubber brush to loosen up dead skin and dirt and follow with bristle brush to get rid of dead hair. Polish your low-maintenance pooch with a chamois fabric and she’s primed to shine!

Short, Dense Fur: If your canine has short, dense fur that’s vulnerable to matting, like that of a retriever, brushing once a week is fine. Choose a slicker brush to remove tangles and capture dead hair with a bristle brush. Do not forget to brush her tail!

Long, Silky Coats: If your dog has a long, elegant coat, like that of a Yorkshire terrier, she’ll need day-to-day looking after. Every day you’ll need to get rid of tangles with a slicker brush. Next, brush her coat with a bristle brush. If you have a long-haired canine with a coat like a collie’s or an Afghan hound’s, follow the steps above, but likewise make certain to comb through the fur and trim the hair around the feet.

Long Hair That’s Often Matted: For long-haired pooches, it’s a great idea to establish a daily grooming regular to remove tangles and avoid mats. Carefully tease out tangles with a slicker brush, and then brush your family pet with a bristle brush. If matting is particularly thick, you may attempt clipping the hair, taking care not to come near the skin.

Knowing When to See the Veterinarion in Espanola ON

For many causes, a dog can lick his skin excessively (especially his legs). Some canines lick when the workout or mental stimulation is not enough.

Your vet may carry out diagnostic tests to determine the source of your pet dog’s symptoms, such as a skin biopsy, ringworm test, microscopic examination of the hair and skin for parasites or infection, and blood tests to inspect your pet dog’s overall health.

Tips on Dental Care for Pet Owners in Espanola ON

Frequently brushing your canine’s teeth, in addition to a healthy diet plan and lots of chew toys, can go a long way towards keeping his mouth healthy. Germs and plaque-forming foods can trigger accumulation on a pet’s teeth. This can harden into tartar, potentially triggering gingivitis, declining gums and tooth loss. Lots of pooches show signs of gum illness by the time they’re 4 years of ages because they aren’t provided with appropriate mouth care.

Provide your canine routine house checks and you’ll have an extremely contented pooch with an amazing smile. We suggest brushing two to three times a week.

First, you’ll wish to get your pet used to the idea of having her teeth brushed. To do this, begin by gently rubbing her lips with your finger in a circular motion for 30 to 60 seconds once or twice a day for a couple of weeks prior to moving on to his gums and teeth.

After a couple of sessions or when your pooch appears comfortable, put a bit of dog-formulated tooth paste on her lips to get her used to the taste.

Next, present a toothbrush developed particularly for felines or canines

Preventing Eye Issues in Pet Dogs

If their locks aren’t tamed correctly, longhair breeds can get eye problems. To help prevent this, keep your canine’s vision clear by meticulously cutting the hair near their eyes. Medications and soaps can be big irritants, so protect your dog’s eyes prior to bathing, using lotions or applying any flea treatments.

When driving, it’s a lot much safer to have the windows just partly down, not completely down, and make sure your pet dog’s head is inside the vehicle not peeking out. This will help avoid injury from road debris or bugs getting in their eyes. Heavy wind can also dry out your pet dog’s eyes, possibly leading to irritation and infection.

Consider doing some research to learn if your dog’s breed is susceptible towards eye conditions, like glaucoma or progressive retinal atrophy. You must also get your pet’s eyes checked during annual veterinarian check outs.

Ear Care for Pet Dogs Who Swim

Dogs that have frequent baths or go swimming a lot can be more prone to ear irritation and infection. To prevent infection, put cotton inside your pet’s ears prior to baths or swimming and make certain to dry their ears out completely as soon as they’re done.

Choosing Nail Clippers for Your Dogs

There are usually two kinds of nail clippers for pet dogs: scissors or guillotine. They work similarly well, so simply opt for the style that you feel more comfortable handling and using.

If your pet is not comfortable with either clipper types, another tool is the nail grinder. It is an electrical tool that essentially sands down fur baby nails. They provide excellent control however take longer than routine clippers and some animals may discover the vibration sounds to be undesirable or scary. Ask your Espanola groomer for recommendations on what nail clipper will be better for your pet dog and how to safely use them.

Dealing with Wounds in Dogs

It’s relatively typical for dogs to get cuts or injuries from accidentally trotting on particles, glass, or other foreign items. Small injuries under half an inch can be cleaned with anti-bacterial wash and then covered with a light bandage. Whilst much deeper cuts may require veterinary care.

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